I've just added a link to our rally photo's in my photobucket account but then realised that it links to all of my albums and it seems that other people's links also link to their entire albums.I don't want to poat all of my albums,just the rally album.
Can anyone tell me how I can link just to my rally album?
Or can you recommend another host site where I can upload the photo's?
Also,we're having big problems getting digital photo's printed,as in they come out rubbish.
I have sent off my neice's wedding photo's to two different cmpanies and they both came back really bad.You can't even make out faces because of the huge pixels.I don't want to send our rally photo's off and spend a fortune if they're going to come back just as rubbish as the wedding pics.
What's the best way to do it?
The wedding photo's were put on a disc by the photographer,then my niece put them on facebook and I took them from facebook into my photobucket album and had them printed off online.Does the clarity decrease each time they are moved?
I'm really not very techie when it comes to this sort of stuff so any advise would be appreciated.