Hello again. I thought with a few days to the start I'd grace the forum once more.
Well they say timing is everything. And I appear to have had lots of bad timings this year ....
Firstly, our Zombie500 project. The song is recorded and the video is being edited. A snippet of the song can be found
HERE and a trailer for the video can be found
HERE We where going to aim for a June/July release, but with what happened in Woolwich, we decided to postpone this until sometime in August. We are organising a big screen premiere event with a bar and the band playing. Will let you all know once organised. Our project has been carried out under the watchful eye of Help for Heroes who have sanctioned various things for us so far. We have filmed a few scenes with Royal Marine Hero Bear. Hopefully these will be allowed to stop in. Once the song is launched worldwide, all proceeds of the song will be going direct into our bmycharity rally page. Also, launching in August will allow us to aim all the song takings to our 2014 account, which is going to be the big one
Did I just say worldwide? Yes I did. I am still amazed that we have an American Record Label in the wings that is to promote the song and video stateside for us
As I said, timing is everything. Life appears to be conspiring against the Jeep this year. We will be on the start line and we will be taking part for the Saturday UK section. How far we travel after that, or when and where we duck in/out of the rally is somewhat cloudy and unknown at present. There are various things happening with me and co-driver at present. My biggest is being out of work at moment
As an ex-sapper though I aint going down without a fight. There may be an opportunity for a secondary co-driver to jump in with me at some point, but that depends on how the next few days pan out. I still have the hotel booked for Friday night and will still pack the Jeep for the 2 week trip and will take it from there.
See you all Saturday morning bright eyed and bushy tailed at Littlecote House